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Spine & Sports Physio aims to offer: 

 Evidence based treatment
Patient centered care
Thorough assessment and diagnosis
Improved function
Pain relief
Bespoke exercise programme

Advice on injury prevention   
 Education regarding your condition and recovery
5 star rated service :


Would definitely recommend going to see Ceri, within half an hour he had me lifting my arm over my head after almost 6 months of not being able to lift my arm higher than chest height. He explained what was wrong and has giving me stretches to do to loosen up my shoulder which I'm doing everyday. Many thanks, 5 star treatment from a top man.

Spine Rehabilitation

I am experienced at Assessing, Diagnosing and Treating all kinds of Neck and Back conditions both Acute and Chronic,  even if treatment (including Physiotherapy) has not been successful in the past.

Adsefydli Asgwrn y Cefn


Rwyf yn brofiadol yn asesu, canfod a thrin pob math o broblemau i wneud a'r Gwddf ac Asgwrn y Cefn. Problemau hen neu newydd, hyd yn oed os nad yw triniaeth (gan gynnwys Ffisiotherapi) wedi bod yn llwyddiannus yn y gorffennol.

Sports injuries

Trained to Masters level I offer comprehensive management of all types of Sport injuries.

I can also help identify possible issues which could help prevent injuries and improve performance.

Anafiadau Chearaeon


Wedi'i hyfforddi i lefel Meistr gallaf gynnig gwasanaeth cynhwysfawr i bob math o anafiadau chwaraeon. Gallaf hefyd helpu i nodi materion posibl a allai helpu i atal anafiadau a gwella perfformiad.


As a member of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapist I can offer Acupuncture treatment to help with pain relief in combination with other treatments.



Fel aelod o Gymdeithas Aciwbigo o Ffisiotherapydd Siartredig Gallaf gynnig triniaeth aciwbigo i helpu gyda rhyddhad poen ar y cyd â thriniaethau eraill.


© 2017 Spine and Sports Physio

Limited Company Number - 05859203

Physio Carmarthen, Acupuncture Clinic Carmarthen

To Book An Appointment

Call 07738923960​

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